Serap Demir

M.Sc. Business Administration
B.Sc. Biology
M.Sc. Business Administration
B.Sc. Biology
Area of activity
- Reorganisation concepts (IDW S6)
- Operational restructuring
- Business and financial planning
- Business management consultancy
Studies / career
- Studied biology at the University of Vienna (B.Sc.)
- Studied business economics at the University of Vienna (M.Sc.)
- Senior Associate in auditing at KPMG in Vienna
- Senior Associate in auditing and tax consultancy at BDO in Vienna
- Mechanical engineering and toolmaking – Preparation of a restructuring concept (IDW S6) with operational implementation, development of liquidity planning, monthly and quarterly reporting
- Special machinery construction – support for distressed M&A transaction
- Retail & food industry – preparation of a restructuring concept (IDW S6)
- Real estate service provider – preparation of an independent business review
- Non-profit foundations – development of corporate planning, identification of process optimization potentials
- Marketing and advertising agency – development of financial status and liquidity planning
- Real estate group – determination of the cash flow and free assets of all group and project companies for a settlement agreement & precautionary preparation of a self-administration plan
- Company
- Field of activities
- Team
- Year
2022Sachwaltung von drei Gesellschaften mit über 300 Mitarbeitern innerhalb einer polnischen Unternehmensgruppe mit Geschäftsfeld Kunststoff – Spritzguss und Werkzeugbau für Automobilhersteller. Fortführung und Durchführung einer geordneten Ausproduktion.