Consulting for creditors
We advise creditors and financiers when their customers are in crisis situations and also represent them in insolvency proceedings and on creditors’ committees. To avoid the risks of default, we draw on our many years of experience as insolvency administrators to support financiers in the analysis of potential loss and reorganisation scenarios of their borrowers. We explore the options available, prepare comparative calculations as a basis for decisions and assess the possible contest or reorganisation risks.
We also safeguard the value of businesses through flexible trust models (known as double-sided trusts) or, in the case of transactions, as insolvency consultants in sales proceedings (distressed M&A).
In complex reorganisation cases, we coordinate advisor teams and financiers in order to safeguard the reorganisation added value, advise creditors in the plausibility verification and design of debtor-in-possession management or insolvency plans of customers and represent the interests of creditors in defences against contest claims.
We advise and represent clients who were parties to transactions being contested. In doing so, we call on the expertise and experience gained from our own activities as insolvency administrators and represent our clients both in and out of court.
Your contacts
Dr. Christoph Herbst
Partner | Managing director | Attorney
Certified Specialist Lawyer in insolvency and restructuring law
+49 (0)89 287 881-0
Dr. Christof Schiller
Partner | Managing director | Attorney
Tax consultant, CPA (USA), CFE (USA)
+49 (0)621 127 96-0
- Company
- Field of activities
- Team
- Year
2020Gläubigerberatung im Umfeld der Insolvenz eines Zahlungsdienstleisters, Fortführungsvereinbarung: Gestaltung der Vertragsbeziehungen zur Fortführung des insolventen Geschäftsbetriebes.
Ausländische Banken
2020Gläubigerberatung im Rahmen laufender Insolvenzverfahren, Klärung Anfechtungssachverhalte und Geltendmachung von Forderungen und Sicherheiten.
DAX 30 Unternehmen
2019Gläubigerberatung im Rahmen der Geschäftsbeziehung mit krisennahen Lieferanten, , Optionsanalyse und Handlungsempfehlungen.
Venture Capital Finanzierer
2019Gläubigerberatung eines VC Finanzierers in der Krise eines Kreditnehmers. Prüfung Sanierungsoptionen und Sanierungsverhandlungen, Geltendmachung und Verwertung von Sicherheiten, Verhandlung von Fortführungsvereinbarungen und Anfechtungsansprüchen im Insolvenzverfahren des Kreditnehmers.
DAX 30 Unternehmen
2018Gläubigerberatung im Rahmen der Geschäftsbeziehung mit krisennahen Lieferanten, Optionsanalyse und Handlungsempfehlungen.