Insolvency monitoring
Our comprehensive expertise as insolvency administrators also allows us to support business reorganisations in debtor-in-possession management proceedings as insolvency monitors.
In debtor-in-possession management the insolvency monitor is put on an equal footing with the management team, which remains in control in order to reorganise the company on their own. The insolvency monitor not only monitors the company, though – they also support its continuation as a going concern. Anchor has already played this role successfully in many ESUG proceedings in the case of reorganisation by way of debtor-in-possession management.
The trusted relationship we have with insolvency courts and creditors enables us to support the reorganisation process in professional cooperation with a management team in debtor-in-possession management and contribute to the greatest possible reorganisation success (four-eyes principle).
Your contacts
Dr. Alexander Zarzitzky
Partner | Managing director | Attorney
Business lawyer (Univ. Bayreuth)
+49 (0)821 252 72-0
Prof. Dr. Martin Hörmann, LL.M. (M&A)
Partner | Managing director | Attorney
Certified Specialist Lawyer in insolvency and restructuring law
Business mediator
+49 (0)711 284 266-0
Sarah Wolf
Partner | Managing director | Attorney
Certified Specialist Lawyer in insolvency and restructuring law
+49 (0)203 739 979 - 0
Tobias Wahl
Partner | Managing director | Attorney
Certified Specialist Lawyer in insolvency and restructuring law
+49 (0)621 127 96-0
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